🚲 🐘 follow some urbanists on mastodon

Where is urbanism happening on Mastodon?

This page provides a list of some accounts related to urban planning, cities and transport which you can follow. You can decide if you want to follow some or all of the accounts in the list. You are provided with a .csv file, which you can upload in Mastodon in order to follow those you select. Here you can find brief instructions on how to do this. You can follow and post with the #urbanplanning hashtag.

Please contact me if you wish to be added, have an account to nominate or wish to be removed.

Account, name, and profile link

Please contact me if you wish to be added, have an account to nominate or wish to be removed.

Thank you to jwyg for creating this fork, itself forked from this list of sociologists by David Adler, Thomas Haase & Hendrik Erz.